ASME A112.4.14:2004 pdf download

ASME A112.4.14:2004 pdf download.Manually Operated,Quarter-Turn Shutoff Valves for Use in Plumbing Systems.

5.1 Hydrostatk Test
(a) Metallic. The test valve shall be gisen a hydrostatic test at a pressure of two times its marked pressure rating. The test fluid shall be water. The test fluid temperature shall be 14WF (oOC). The duration of the test shall be I mm.
The ball or disc shall be in such a position during the hll test as to ensure full pressul-iMtiol of the valve.
(b) Polirircrk Valves, Pblymcnc valves shall be hydrostatically tested to ASTM Fl97, para. 8.2.
5.1.1 Performance Criteria. The valve exterior shall show no visible leakage. Leakage through the stem packing shall not be cause for rejection as long as a packing gL and adjustment stops the leakage.
5.2 Seat Test
5.2.1 Procedure. Following the shell test, the test valve shall be given a seat test. The test shall be a hydrostatic test at not less than 125 psi at 144YF (oO°C) or the maximum rated pressure and temperature of the salve. The test pressure shall be applied successively an each side of the closed valve for duration of not less than I min
Valves marked as one-way valves require a seat test only in the directkin of the flow.
5.2.2 Performance Criteria There shall be no visible evidence of leakage through the disc or ball nor leakage past the seat.
5.3 CycLe Test
5.3.1 Procedure. A production sample valve shall withstand l,othl cycles of operation from the fully opened to the fully dosed position at its continuous rated temperature not less than 144YF (60’C). The test is lobe conducted with a hydrostatic pressure-differential applied across the closed disc/ball equal to the rated working pressure. Restrict an opening downstream of the valve to a flow of approximately 2.5 gpm (95 L/min) during the open portion of the test.