ISO 4365:2005 pdf download

ISO 4365:2005 pdf download.Liquid flow in open channels - Sedimentin streams and canals - Determination of concentration, particle size distribution and relative density.

5.3 Bulk characteristics
As sediments consist of large numbers of particles dlffenng In size, shape, relative density, setlhng velocity, etc.. it is essential to find some parameters that can repl’esent the characteristics of the group of particles as a whde Therefore, a sample of sediment Is usually divided into class intervals according to characteristics (size, settling velocity, etc.) and the percentage by mass of the total in each interval is determined for the particular characteristic Frequency distribution curves can be drawn from these data and the sediment parameters (mean, standard deviation. etc.) determined.
6 Sampling
Samples of suspended sediment shall be collected as specified ii ISO 4363.
7 Suspended sediment concentration
7.1 Methods for determining the suspended sediment concentration
7.1.1 General
Suspended sediment concentrations may be determined by the following methods:
a) evaporation method;
b) filtration method;
C) hydrometer method (also used for determining particle size).
NOTE Although the evaporation method [7.1.1 a)) requwes less time, the filtration method 17.1.1 b)J has the advantage that the fractions collected can be photographed on the fillers and are available for further examination. However, the fitratlon method is prone to greater loss of material, whereas In the evaporation method, the ratio of sample mass to tare mass is small. Therefore, no hard and fast guidelines can b provided for the choice of method, and It is necessary to judge each case on its metits
7.1.2 Evaporation method
The evaporation method is specIfied Ni Mnex A.
7.1,3 Filtration method The filtration may be camed out using either a filter paper in a conical glass funnel or a glass-fibre filter disc in a Coors or a Gooch cruoble. or a flitted glass or an Alundum crucible, with the application of a vacuum aspirator system to accelerate the passage of the filtrate.
The filtration method using a filter paper and a funnel Is specified in Annex B.