ISO 12647-4:2005 pdf download

ISO 12647-4:2005 pdf download.Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production prints — Part 4: Publication gravure printing.

4.2 Data file and printing forme
4.2.1 Digital Data
Digital data files supplied for printing shall conform to latest edition of ISO 15930. parts 4. 5 and 6 or to
ISO 12639.
Supplied data files conforming to ISO 12639 shall also include an identification of the intended printing condition. Where the intended printing condition is a printing condition included In the registry of characterizations maintained by the ICC. as described In ICC.1, the name used In the ICC registry may be used as the identification. If the intended printing condition Is not Included In the ICC registry. characterization data specified using the target defined In ISO 12642, or an ICC output profile derived from It. shall be included, An ICC output profile denved front the appropriate characterization data should also be Included In all cases. In any situations where the rendering of the data, when printed, is intended to be other than oolorimetric (as specified in ICC.1) an ICC output profile derived from the appropriate charactenzation data shall be included.
All continuous tone raster data shaM be at a resolution that equals or exceeds 120 cm. If line work raster data are provided, they shall be at a resolution of three to six times that of the continuous tone data If text is provided as CT data it should be anti-aliased,
A proof print may accompany digital data and where provided it shall conform to the indicated printing condition.
4.2.2 Separation films
Where data are exchanged using half-tone separation films, they shaM be accompanied by a proof print that simulates the intended pflnbng condition and that conforms to 4.3. This fact shall be verifiable by measuring well-specified control patches that are printed on the proof print along with the subject.
Where the proof has been prepared directty from the separations the following control patches shall be included as a minimum’
a) solid pnn’iary and secondary colours (including black).