ISO/TR 22971:2005 pdf download

ISO/TR 22971:2005 pdf download.Accuracy (trueness and precision) ofmeasurement methods and results —Practical guidance for the use of ISO5725-2:1994 in designing, implementing and statistically analysinginterlaboratory repeatability and reproducibility results.
2.2.2 Executive officer
The executive officers main tasks are
— to organize the Inter-laboratory programme, with the advice of the statistician for the construction of the experimental design;
to co-ordinate the progress;
— to state the conclusions.
The duties of the executive officer may be undertaken by more than one person. However, only one person should be responsible for the entire programme The executive officer should be friiliar with the standard method, but should not participate in the measurement process.
2.2.3 Laboratory
The laboratory personnel should be fully experienced with the test measurement method.
The laboratory shall undertake the analysis, adhering to the test procedures received froni the executive officer. Any comments by the laboratory on the use of the test method should be reported to the executive officer. However, the procedures canted out by the laboratory should be those provided by the executive officer
The laboratory shall comply with any requirements prescribed by the executive officer, including storage & the samples;
— date and order of carrying out the analysis.
The laboratory shall provide the executive officer with the results of analysis in a manner prescribed by the
executive officer.
2.2.4 Statistician
The statistician shall receive from the executive officer the raw data obtained using the stated method and as reported in Table 1.