BS EN 1996-3:2006 pdf download.Eurocode 6 Design of masonry structures Part 3: Simplified calculation methods for unreinforced masonry structures. The Eurocode standards provide common structural design rules for everyday use for the design...
BS EN 1366-4:2006 pdf download.Fire resistance tests for service installations Part 4: Linear joint seals. 3.5 splice coonection or junction between or within the length of a linear joint seal 3.6 supporting construction construction that ma...
BS EN 975-1:2009 pdf download.Sawn timber Appearance grading of hardwoods Part 1: Oak and beech. The addition of the letter R at the end indicated the presence of red heart 6 Acceptance of batches 6.1 Un-edged boards Unless oTherwise specifi...
BS EN 777-3:2009 pdf download.Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater systems for nondomestic use Part 3: System F - Safety。 3.5.2 cold condition condition of the installation required for some tests and obtained by allowing th...
BS EN 438-8:2009 pdf download.High-pressure decorative laminates(HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 8: Classification and specifications for design laminates. 5.2.4 Visual Inspection 52.4.1 General The...
BS 8442:2006 pdf download.Miscellaneous road traffic signs and devices -Requirements and test methods. Mean luminance and uniformity of luminance When nwasured as described in, the mean luminance of the globe shall be not l...
BS 5306-3:2009 pdf download.Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises -Part 3: Commissioning and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers - Code of practice. 3.14 recharging maintenance procedure carried out after complete...
BS EN 61377-1:2006 pdf download.Railway applicationsRolling stock Part 1: Combined testing of inverter-fedal ternating current motors and their control system. 5.2 Declared characteristics Characteristic curves obtained from the results of t...
BS EN 60950-22:2006 pdf download.Information technology equipment Safety Part 22: Equipment installed outdoors. Compliance is checked by examination of the construction and of available data regarding the UV resistance characteristics of the...
BS EN 50400:2006 pdf download.Basic standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz-40 GHz) intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks with the basicrestrictions or the reference levels...