BS EN 1390:2020 pdf download.Wood preservatives - Determination of the eradicant action against Hylotrupes bajulus(Linnaeus) larvae Laboratory method. 5 Test materials 5.1 BIological material 5.1.1 HyloIrupes bajulus (Llnnaeus) larvae 5.1.2...
BS EN 1009-4:2020 pdf download.Machines for mechanical processing of minerals and similar solid materials - Safety Part 4: Specific requirements for screening machinery. the modularity of panels technology (modular or tension). 4.3.2 VIbrati...
BS EN 1009-2:2020 pdf download.Machines for mechanical processing of minerals and similar solid materials - Safety Part 2: Specific requirements for feeding machinery and continuous handling equipment. If the feeder is located under stockpil...
BS EN 840-6:2020 pdf download.Mobile waste and recycling containers Part 6: Safety and health requirements. 6.3 The wheels on all containers shall have a nominal diameter of 200 mm. Wheels of nominal diameter of 160 mm on four.wheeled contai...
BS EN 840-4:2020 pdf download.Mobile waste and recycling containers Part 4: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 700 1 with flat lid(s), for wide trunnion or BG- and/or wide comb lifting devices Dimensions and design. 5.3 The lid...
BS EN 676:2020 pdf download.Forced draught burners for gaseous fuels. The documentation of the electrical connectioru for the individual components shall be provided by means of an electrical wiring and connection diagram. NOTE For burners f...
BS 8446:2020 pdf download.Installation and maintenance of open-flued, non-domestic gas-fired laundry appliances -Specification. 3.3 appliance flexible connector pipe with appropriate connector ends, designed to have a high degree of flexibil...
BS 6173:2020 pdf download.Installation and maintenance of gas-fired catering appliances for usein all types of catering establishments(2nd and 3rd family gases)- Specification. 3.4 demand-based ventilation mechanical ventilation system which...
BS 5489-1:2020 pdf download.Design of road lighting Part 1: Lighting of roads and public amenity areas Code of practice. A risk assessment should be undertaken prior to making a decision for part-night lighting, taking thefollowing factors i...
BS EN 1749:2020 pdf download.Classification of gas appliances according to the method of supplying combustion air and of evacuation of the combustion products (types). NOTE 1 The figures given in this annex have been included as examples to...