BS EN 500-6:2006 pdf download.Mobile road construction machinery -safety Part 6: Specific requirements for paver-finishers. The brake systems shall meet the requirements of EN ISO 3450 with the following additions and exceptions: A.2 Machine...
BS EN 137:2006 pdf download.Respiratory protective devices Self-containedopen-circuitcompressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask Requirements, testing,marking. The apparatus shall cperate trouble-free over the termperature range o...
BS 8481:2006 pdf download.Design, preparation and application of internal gypsum, cement, cementand lime plastering systems - Specification. 3.2.3 plastering system plaster coat or sequence of plaster coat.s applied to a background, includin...
BS 8473:2006 pdf download.Intruder and hold-up alarm systems - Management of false alarms - Code of practice. 10.2 Restore management centres (RMCs) Only the following premises may be used as RMCs. a) An ARC conforming to BS 5979 for the mon...
BS 8467:2006 pdf download.Protective clothing -Personal protective ensembles for use against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear(CBRN) agents - Categorization,performance requirements and test methods. 6.4 Category C The liquid co...
BS 4060:2006 pdf download.Pressed wool felts -Specification. 7.2 Sampling 7.2.1 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant test method (test methods are outlined in Annex C and Annex D, as well as referred to in Table I, Table 2, Table 3, Ta...
BS EN 869:2006 pdf download.Safety of machinery Safety requirements for pressure metal diecasting units. 5.2 Mechanical 5.2.1 General Guards and protective devices shall be designed according to EN ISO 12100 parts I and 2 and EN 953, The saf...
BS EN 545:2006 pdf download.Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines Requirements and test methods. General Rubber gasket materials shall comply with the requirements of EN 681-1, type Wk When ma...
BS EN 534:2006 pdf download.Corrugated bitumen sheets Product specification and test methods. 5.3.5 Water absorption When tested according to 7.3.5, the water absorption shall be less than 20% of the mass of the sheet. The properties are mea...
BS EN 521:2006 pdf download.Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas appliances. A valve actuator shall be fixed on the axis of the adaptor in such a way that...