BS EN 482:2006 pdf download.Workplace atmospheresGeneral requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents. 4 Classification 4.1 General In this document measunng procedures are classified according to mea...
BS EN 408:2003 pdf download.Timber structures Structural timber and glued laminated timber Determination of some physical and mechanical properties. Where the timber to be tested is not readily conditionable to the above standard environment...
BS EN 54-20:2006 pdf download.Fire detection and fire alarm systems Part 20: Aspirating smoke detectors. 5.12.2 Software documentation The manufacturer shall submit documentation to the testing authority which gives an overview of t...
BS 7212:2006 pdf download.Code of practice for the safe use of construction hoists. a) hazards arwrig from unauthorized or mappropnate use, or from nilsuac, of the hoist; b) hazard.s arising from unauthorized modifications, alterations or a(...
BS 5991:2006 pdf download.Specification for indirectgas fired forced convection air heaters with rated heat inputsgreater than 330 kW butnot exceeding 2MW for industrial and commercial space heating -Safety and performance requirements. 7.1....
BS 5990:2006 pdf download.Specification for directgas-fired forced convection air heaters with rated heat inputsgreater than 330 kW butnot exceeding 2 MW forindustrial and commercial space heating - Safetyand performance requirements. 6.2 Pr...
BS 5852:2006 pdf download.Methods of test for assessment of theignitability of upholstered seating by smouldering and flamingignition sources. 4.2 Flaming ignition 4.2.1 Upholstery composites For the purposes of testing the ignitability of u...
BS 5709:2006 pdf download.Gaps, gates and stiles -Specification. 4.6 Stiles (not including horse stiles)4.6.1 General Stiles shall only be used for new structures when exceptionalcircumstances require them. All stiles, except horse stiles, s...
BS 750:2006 pdf download.Specification for underground fire hydrants and surface box frames and covers. 11.3.1 Ten sample outlets shall be subjected to the test method of A. 1. 11.3.2 Five of these samples when subjected to the procedure of...
BS 434-2:2006 pdf download.Bitumen road emulsions - Part 2: Code of practice for the use of cationic bitumen emulsions on roads and other paved areas. 4.4 Polymer modified bitumen products 4.4.1 Background At he time of publication of BS 434...